Courage to Create, Rollo May - In the late 1980’s a colleague and I presented a workshop called,
     Using the Camcorder Creatively.  We had very different ideas on creativity.  I decided to read
     about creativity and found this classic on creativity.
Kick in the Seat of the Pants or Whack on the Side of the Head, Roger von Oech - Great    
     exercises to get you thinking differently.

The Artist’s Way, Julia Cameron - I read this is 2000 and  again in 2010 with a “Creative Cluster.” 
     Each member of the group made decisions to enhance their lives in numerous ways because of
     the book. 
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I am constantly reading. Here are a few of my favorites.
Book List
Community Books
Mountains Beyond Mountains, Tracy Kidder - Awesome true story about how one man, Dr. Paul
     Farmer, changed medicine by looking at systemic issues of disease.  You’ll be inspired by his
     commitment, passion and determination to make change.
Community, The Structure of Belonging, Peter Block - Peter was a presenter in one of my
     classes at Pepperdine. His work changed the culture of our class.  Powerful stuff! He says there 
     are six important conversations that transform groups (and the key word here is transform). 
     Conversations are the way that humans think together.  If you don’t like what is going on…Change 
     the conversation.  Here are the six:  Invitation, Possibility, Dissent, Commitment, Ownership and 
     Gifts.  Peter also wrote The Answer to How is Yes.  I remember that when I read this I shook my 
     head in a yes motion the whole book.  I really resonated with his thinking.
Creativity Books
Change & Transformation Books
Breakpoint and Beyond, George Land and Beth Jarman - I first learned about change theory from
     George and Beth.  George provides a framework for thinking about the process of change or the
     stages of change by using nature as the model. Really good stuff!
Deep Change: Discovering the Leader Within, Robert Quinn - I liked the exercises in this book, 
     very thought-provoking on a personal level and you could also apply them to your organization.
Facilitation & Group Process Books
Appreciative Inquiry, Jane Magruder Watkins and Bernard Mohr - Not only does Jane provide theory,
     but a step by step on using the process in multiple settings.  I also like the Thin Book on
     Appreciative Inquiry by Sue Annis Hammond, great summary of the process.
Mining Group Gold, Tom Kayser - I found this in the early 90’s. It was recommended by George
     Land’s group, Leadership 2000. Great tips and I still refer to it.
Team Development Books
The Team Handbook, Peter Scholtes - This book has just about anything related to teams and is a
     great reference book.
The Wisdom of Teams, Jon Katzenbach - I was rummaging through the business section of airport
     bookstore and found this gem.  Jon provides tons of examples of teams, what they were doing that
     was working, what wasn’t working and how to get through the situation.